The project activities are organised in seven work packages

Multi-actor approach

The project activities are organised in seven work packages

Work Packages

  • Work Package 1

    WP1: Multi-actor interactions for project implementation

    (led by ACTA, France). WP1 will extend the participative approach during the project implementation through the organisation and the management of multi-actor groups at national and European levels, including agri-food chain actors (breeders, farmers and their organizations, advisors, processors, retailers, consumers), scientists, policy makers and society. These groups will be organized by type of product: chicken meat, beef and dairy products, with the aim of providing recommendations to refine the work within the technical work-packages, to co-construct the multi-criteria scoring tools and co-design sustainable husbandry practices.

  • Work Package 2

    WP2: Set up of a farm network to constitute a food sample library with in-depth farm data background and developing sustainable practices upgrading product quality.

    (led by FiBL, Switzerland). The core role of WP2 within INTAQT is the construction of a comprehensive food sample library from dairy, beef and chicken farms covering a large range of husbandry systems from extensive to intensive across representative regions in Europe. This will be accomplished through the building of a cattle and chicken network, supplying both data on husbandry systems and practices as well as the needed samples, in order to propose and test innovative sustainable husbandry practices aiming to improve intrinsic quality of products.

  • Work Package 3

    WP3: Measurements of product safety, nutritional value and sensory features (eby BfR, Germany)

    aims to analyse samples of the unprocessed and processed animal products (chicken, beef and dairy products) obtained from WP2 for their intrinsic quality traits. For each product, the priority quality traits related to food safety, nutritional value and sensory features will be investigated along a gradient of husbandry systems ranging from extensive to intensive, including farming systems labelled Organic, PDO or Label Rouge. In addition, results from WP3 will be made accessible through an open access reference table structured by products and husbandry systems.

  • Work Package 4

    WP4: Development of innovative analytical tools for rapid quality assessment and husbandry system authentication

    (led by UNIPD, Italy) aims to develop innovative and cost-efficient analytical tools (infrared and untargeted metabolomics and genomics) applied on products and combining different tools for the rapid and ost-efficient prediction of intrinsic quality traits and authentication of husbandry systems and animal genotype across countries. For both authentication and prediction tools, existing databases and newly acquired data in WP2 and WP3 will be used. The development of uthentication and predicting equations based on chemometric analysis will consist in linking/pair reference analyses with cost-efficient analytical tools obtained with at-line and on-line laboratory and pocket instruments.

  • Work Package 5

    WP5: Data management and modelling to link husbandry systems to product quality and sustainability

    (led by INRAE, France) aims to integrate and process the data obtained in INTAQT in order to model the links between husbandry practices and systems, and intrinsic animal product quality on the one hand and farm sustainability on the other hand. Several outputs will be created in WP5, including a propose for a multi-criterion scoring tools of the overall intrinsic quality of products and a web application, developed to ease the use of these tools by stakeholders and policy makers.

  • Work Package 6

    WP6: Dissemination of knowledge and tools to agri-food chain actors

    (led by Consulai, Portugal) aims to communicate and disseminate widely the project outputs on a an-European level. It will also demonstrate the best practices to reach a high level of innovation uptake, developing awareness and activating the multi-actor community of agri-food chain actors. This WP includes communication, dissemination and training activities to facilitate the exploitation of INTAQT results.

  • Work Package 7

    WP7: Consortium coordination and project management

    (led by INRAE, France) aims to ensure the project implementation according to the work plan and the Consortium Agreement (CA). WP7 will undertake scientific coordination, financial control, quality monitoring and risk analysis. It will prepare financial statements and consolidate scientific reports and ensure administrative management that conforms to the EC rules.