The “One Quality” concept INTAQT relies on is perfectly in line with the newly outline Farm to Fork strategy, as part of the European Green Deal. INTAQT will make the proof of concept based on chicken and cattle sectors and show that it is feasible to redesign in a holistic manner the agri-food chains in order to reconcile the various demands of all actors from producers to citizens and consumers concerning sustainability and intrinsic quality of products.

The science-based references and models provided by INTAQT on the “One Quality” of products allow to reward farmers and other operators in the agri-food chain who have already undergone the transition to sustainable husbandry practices leading to high intrinsic quality and enable the transition of the others. The evolving citizens’ expectations drive for significant change in the food market which offer farmers, food processors and retailers the opportunity to make ‘One Quality’ their trademark and to guarantee the future of the EU food chain before their competitors outside the EU do so.

The INTAQT project aims to impact the following topics:

Food and Natural Resources

Food and Natural Resources

  • INTAQT will provide an understanding of the relation between intrinsic quality and husbandry
  • Contribute to an increase in the added value of livestock products, via higher quality and/or more sustainable production processes
  • Incorporate the societal demands in livestock production
Innovation capacity and new market opportunities

Innovation capacity and new market opportunities

  • Providing new approaches to authentication of animal products as well as decision tools acknowledging production system contributions to intrinsic quality, environmental impacts and ethics.
  • Anticipate the synergies and trade-offs between important product properties that can be more reliable, by developing new approaches in primary production systems.
Climate change, environment and societal issues

Climate change, environment and societal issues

  • INTAQT will analyse on farm-level the correlations, synergies and trade-offs between intrinsic product quality traits and strong indicators of environmental sustainability (this includes estimates for GHG (greenhouse gas) and nitrogen emissions) and animal welfare.
  • Provide evidence for systems that are most/least successful in reaching the environmental target of climate change mitigation, reduction of nitrogen imports into agricultural ecosystems, and the societal demand for better animal welfare at the same time together with high intrinsic quality properties of the products.