
First, let’s meet PATHWAYS

Coordinated by SLU and with the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts while addressing societal demands for safe, nutritious, and affordable meat and dairy products, PATHWAYS is about identifying and increasing sustainable practices along the supply and production chains of the European livestock sector.

Visit their website to learn more the project:

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Job offer at INRAE

Join UMR Herbivores! This unit conducts research for a multi-performing herbivore husbandry, mobilizing the levers…

Thesis Proposal: Cage-free poultry breeding

Traditional methods of selecting poultry lines in individual cages enable to control a key factor…

INTAQT Presentation at the French Poultry Research Days

The 15th Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, held in Tours…