From July 20 to 22, INTAQT held its annual meeting in Belfast.

The partners, from several European countries, got together to assess the progress made during the project’s second year and get ready for the challenges ahead.

The meeting kicked off with a comprehensive review of the Working Packages, providing everyone with insights into the various components and achievements of the project. In the afternoon session, engaging workshops facilitated discussions on key topics, fostering collaboration and idea-sharing among the participants.

A notable feature of this year’s gathering was the presence of INTAQT’s sister projects, namely Pathways, Code: Re-Farm, and mEATquality. The meeting had a dedicated session to explore avenues for cooperation between these related initiatives, emphasizing the importance of synergy and shared goals in advancing agricultural and food quality standards.

The meeting concluded on a positive note, with partners energized and optimistic about the road ahead.


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