Among the objectives of the INTAQT project is the assessment of the sensory evaluation of UHT whole milk produced using different farming systems during different periods of the year. To achieve this, a French company collected thirty whole milk samples, subjected them to UHT treatment, and categorized them based on their origin from three distinct farming systems (pasture-based, semi-mountain, and intensive) and two seasons (winter and spring).

In Italy, a sensory profile for each sample was determined using a rapid descriptive sensory test known as Flash Profiling. Assessors with previous experience in sensory analysis evaluated the samples (six samples for each sensory session), developed an individual lexicon, selected 3 to 5 attributes that best described the samples then ranking them on these descriptors using an ordinal scale. Each session lasted approximately one hour.

The data, analyzed using Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA), revealed that the most distinctive and discriminating attributes for the samples were cooked milk, cream/butter, and barn/hay. Preliminary findings showed a differentiation between samples collected during the winter and spring seasons. Further statistical elaboration will follow to investigate the potential differences between the farming systems used in greater depth.

Information on hedonic assessment of milk samples was collected carrying out a test with Italian consumers. The test was conducted in a sensory room, using Microsoft Form software and people could answer test questions using their mobile phone, by scanning the QR code available at the tasting booth. Each participant evaluated six randomly selected milk samples, conducting a liking assessment (color/appearance, smell, taste, texture, and overall liking) and a Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) test. The list of descriptors used in the CATA test was selected following a thorough literature review and based on the attributes identified during the flash profile.

Finally, consumers were asked to complete a brief questionnaire on sociodemographic data (age, gender, and nationality), the frequency of consumption of UHT milk, and purchasing habits.

This test, still in progress, aims to reach 150 participants as specified in the protocol, shared with the other INTAQT partners. The study (followed methodologies, participants data) was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Bioethical Committee of Alma Mater Studiorum—Università di Bologna (prot. no. 0057910 and 0057914, date 3 March 2023).

These sensory evaluations are critical for understanding potential differences due to the farming systems and provide valuable insights for both producers and consumers.


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